You can download the full deck here
You can download the full deck here
On the 11th of April 2017, 4by90 and French Digital organised with Nesta an event in Paris to discuss the Open Up Challenge and how French and UK startups were approaching Open Banking. The event was supported by Business France and hosted by our partner Early Metrics. If you don’t know about the Open Up Challenge, you should check it out (here) In this short post, I would like to capture some of the points that were discussed during the event as well as highlight a number of questions that ought to be considered. The views expressed here are my own and do not engage the responsibility of anyone mentioned below. I had the privilege to moderate the discussion with an excellent panel of individuals for whom Open Banking really matter for their business. Bruno Van Haetsdaele – CEO et cofondateur…
The open banking framework was published this week by the open banking working group. Here I share my 10 most salient take outs in 10 slides. Before we start, I think they have done a tremendous job. It’s an excellent document, the proposals are bold, well presented and discussed. The work is definitely not over, but it’s indeed promising and it should have a material impact on legislations like PSD2. I do think that they are on the right path to meet their mission statement: Unlocking the potential of open banking to improve competition, efficiency and stimulate innovation Here are my key takeouts in 10 slides: 1 -Data, API, Security 2 – A 3 party model 3 – Data: portable, explicit consent and specific usage 4 – A rich variety of data sets 5- Data sets: more granular details 6 – Example: 6 potential propositions enabled by…